Tuesday 2 April 2019

APRIL fools

For April Fools Day we had to do a piece of writing. Here is mine!
              APRIL FOOLS

I wake up in the morning like always. I know want to do I need to pull a prank on my sister. It will be funny. I realise it APRIL FOOLS YAY. I need to find a good prank to do on my sister.
I prank my sister but she  pranks me first.? what do i do. She has a good prank on me ow no maybe i need a better prank. She coming what do?

I need to hide my prack so she does see. She coming with slimy goooo owww i need to run away. I am right behind  her i pull my prank on her she said ow my good I was looking for you. Then i walk down the hallway then she put slimey glow on my head i was like owww.  

What a great APRIL FALLS                   DAY

1 comment:

  1. Hey Niah,I'd love to read your story but the formatting is all wierd and I can only see the first few words. Rhys has the same problem. Maybe you two could get together and sort it out. I don't know how to solve it so if you find out how to do it please teach me.


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.

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