Friday, 1 December 2017

Shantytown reflection

When: In the morning the bell rang at school.
Who: Our class -M1 year 6's and M2
whole class.
Who came with me: Me and Briea and my mum.

When we got to Shantytown we put our bags away and then went into the church.  Then we got changed into a dress some people did not like the dress but I liked the dress.
Who I was for the play: I was a newspaper reporter

Everybody said Jane was innocent.
I got a little scared because of the robber. He had a gun in his hand and he had a knife in his hand but it was only a play so that was good.
By Niah     

1 comment:

  1. Hi Niah!

    My name is Ellee and I will be blogging with you this summer for the Summer Learning journey!

    I hope you have had an amazing Christmas and New Years, did you get up to anything special?
    I really enjoyed reading this post about the Shantytown, it sounds like an exciting school trip! I also really liked the pictures too!
    Was the play a mystery story?
    Hopefully I'll get to see some other exciting posts from you over the Summer!

    If you want to check out the Summer Learning Journey website you can follow this link:

    Here is also a link to the weekly activities:

    Remember each activity is worth points so make sure once you’ve finished an activity post it up on your blog so we can add it to your total!

    Hopefully I'll see you blogging over the summer soon!

    Ellee :)


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.

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