Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Self portrait

This week and last week in Totara we have been doing self portraits of us. We added some other stuff to do with Easter. This was super fun .

Tuesday, 2 April 2019

APRIL fools

For April Fools Day we had to do a piece of writing. Here is mine!
              APRIL FOOLS

I wake up in the morning like always. I know want to do I need to pull a prank on my sister. It will be funny. I realise it APRIL FOOLS YAY. I need to find a good prank to do on my sister.
I prank my sister but she  pranks me first.? what do i do. She has a good prank on me ow no maybe i need a better prank. She coming what do?

I need to hide my prack so she does see. She coming with slimy goooo owww i need to run away. I am right behind  her i pull my prank on her she said ow my good I was looking for you. Then i walk down the hallway then she put slimey glow on my head i was like owww.  

What a great APRIL FALLS                   DAY

The New turf

  we are really excited to have an amazing turf I cant wait till I can go on it I wonder what kinda cool things will be on that turf I'm...