Life in lock down
Well let's say mine was interesting I had the best time ever In lockdown. I didn't have to wake up early and I could actually sleep In.actually that wasn't the case.I had a really annoying brother that likes to wake up so early.So some days I woke up really early but it made sense because i had school meetings and chores to do.My life in lockdown was amazing.The first day I went out to my dad’s and had quarantine there. Now it sounds boring and I thought that too but guess what it was soMuch fun.I got to do heaps of baking,And I got to ride my motorbike.The best of all was seeing my Friend in quarantine.If we went back to quarantine I would love it because i wouldn't have to go to school but I would miss all my friends and family. I really loved quarantine.The one thing that i will always remember is that i ate fish for the first time but i still don't like takeaway fish. That is a fact.My life in quarantine was amazing.