Thursday, 30 July 2020

Art This week

This Week has been so fun.

Today we have started some art This is what i am doing my art on Lisa Simpson .I Have really enjoyed this it's kinda hard but i'm going to try.What is your favourite character.
Lisa Simpsons - Eai Print sobre mim |Dona Lisa Simpsons | Facebook

Friday, 24 July 2020

What is Matarki

Matariki is a time too spend with you family.And to celebrate

Wednesday, 1 July 2020


This week we having been talking about Perseverance and so i made this one and its all about sports and to never give up because it could be hard but that doesn't mean anything so keep trying.What is your Favorite sport?

The New turf

  we are really excited to have an amazing turf I cant wait till I can go on it I wonder what kinda cool things will be on that turf I'm...