Friday, 23 June 2017

Description of a family member

She has a oval face and she has earrings sometimes sheShe has long hair it is long when it is straightened she is going to dye her hair at the bottom purple it will look  beautiful.

She has long hair it is long when it is straightened she is going to dye her hair at the bottom purple it will look  beautiful.

She has long hair it is long when it is straightened she is going to dye her hair at the bottom purple it will look  beautiful.

She has long hair it is long when it is straightened she is going to dye her hair at the bottom purple it will look  beautiful.
My favourite things with Mum
Play games
Going to the park
Having a good dinner

Having fun Going to places with mum
Having KFC and McDonald
She takes as places when we are good and she doesn't take as places when we are naughty . But she has 3 of us. Screenshot 2017-05-13 at 5.11.12 PM.png      

This is me and my brother and sister. My sister is 8 my brother is 5 nearly 6.

Friday, 2 June 2017

This is my art we have been doing in class it is one of Robert Delaney's art and mamaku 1 did painting like mine but a little bit different we used paper and scissors and glue. their were hard to glue on and I used different colours, it looks like a face.   

cross cants

Cross country Screenshot 2017-05-31 at 9.45.06 AM.png
On Monday we had cross count.. I came 6th place we all tried are hardest to come
1st but Honor came
1st but I'm going to kamara i'm really excited to go and do it somewhere else at Grey main we had  comes so we can stay in the inside of the cons and we had tyres it was fun run thout them my mum said to go fast i tried but next time I’m going to go fast next time

The New turf

  we are really excited to have an amazing turf I cant wait till I can go on it I wonder what kinda cool things will be on that turf I'm...